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Geography’s aim will be for children to show curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. This will include everything from our diverse parish community to the far reaches of the planet.

Children will develop a deep understanding of the Earth’s physical features and human impact. They will do this through the learning and using of geographical skills and fieldwork such as: using maps and atlases; observing and comparing similarities and differences; asking questions about what they have learned.

We will provide children with different opportunities throughout their time at Saint Patrick's to use their geographical skills to enable them to be well-rounded citizens with an enquiring mind.

Here is an overview of the geography and history units for whole school:

Here are some pictures of the children in action during geography!

Year 1 recently performed an assembly about seasons and the weather.

Year 5 looking in the school grounds for evidence of what lives in our local ecosystem and biome.

In the last year, we have walked around the local area to see how human geography has shaped it.

The children used their mapwork skills. Here, they are looking at a map of Bristol.

This is a map of the local area around the school.

Here are some children practising using a compass.

