Aims of St Patrick’s School
We aspire to teach the children to have respect for religious and moral values and to have tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life
St Patrick’s Catholic School aims to provide the highest possible standard of education across the curriculum.
We wish to foster our pupils’ relationship with God and with others in order to be capable of reaching their full potential as responsible caring adults.
We aspire:
- To foster in our children a reverence for God; a sense of love and respect for one another, and a true understanding of the Catholic Faith.
- To provide a safe, caring stimulating environment for our children.
- To see the values of God’s kingdom, prayer, truth, holiness, justice, love, forgiveness and peace at work in our school community.
- To deepen the relationship between the home, school and the Parish of St Patrick’s.
- To use the school’s Mission Statement as a basis for ensuring personal growth and professional development within our community.
- To help the children acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to live a full and interesting adult life in the community.
- To teach the children to have respect for religious and moral values and to have tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life.
Celebration of the Word
The community of St. Patrick’s School gathers for daily Collective Worship. This may take the form of a whole school, key stage, or class group. We strive to put Christ at the centre of everything we do.
The Gospel Values are our touchstone. Each class starts and ends the day in prayer, which is either led by the teacher or a child. Before lunch we give thanks to God. Mass is celebrated in the Church on our Patronal Feast Day and special occasions. Pupils are involved with the Family Parish Mass on the first Sunday of every month. Children prepare Class Masses throughout the year.
Class assemblies take place during the year to which all are invited to attend. More specifically, through religious education the school strives to: give the children a knowledge and understanding of their faith; provide the experience of a living liturgy; help our children to understand the attitudes and values on which Christian caring community is based.
All of which enables them to achieve the ultimate objective of deepening their personal relationship with God.
Mission Statement
"Learning together with God"
‘’God knows me and calls me by my name’’ – Cardinal John Henry Newman
St Patrick’s School aims to create a Catholic environment, which is inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus. Following His example, we have built our school community upon the Gospel values of love, equality and inclusion.
At our school, we recognise that God has a unique plan for us all and so celebrate the individual. We know that each member of our school community brings their own special gifts and talents.
We wish to provide all members of our school family with a chance to experience and respect Catholic values and put them into practice at home, in the parish and in the wider community. We also try to respect, understand and value those of other faiths and none and appreciate the diversity that is provided for our school community.
Catholic Social Teaching
At the start of the year, the wonderful people from CAFOD visited us to tell the children about Catholic Social Teaching.
Here is a link to their website:
CAFOD Catholic Social Teaching
Recently, Year 6 completed their annual fundraiser for CAFOD which chimed with the principles of Preferential Option for the Poor and Human Dignity.