The RE scheme we use is "God Matters", which aims to include and meet the targets set out in the Curriculum Directory – Revelation, The Church, Celebration, Life in Christ – for EYFS, KS 1 and 2. It has a varied approach to learning and encourages questioning and deepening of thinking skills through a range of thinking tools. This enables children to develop investigation, interpretation, communication, and evaluation skills. The use of art, dance and drama allows all children to enjoy and achieve in RE lessons.
The work is organised into the following units
Terms 1 and 2:
Creation, Prayer, Saints and Feasts and Advent
Terms 3 and 4:
Christmas, Revelation, Lent and Holy Week
Terms 5 and 6:
Easter, Sacraments, Pentecost and Mission.
Details of the areas covered by each year group can be found in the Newsletters section of Our Catholic School
We use Live Life to the Full as our Relationships and Sex Education Scheme. This is approved by the Diocese of Clifton.
Live Life to the Full explores the spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual and physical aspects of growing and changing into the people God created us to be. It places God’s love at the centre of this exploration. The love God has for his creation is the model used to explore other relationships, helping children to recognise how a healthy, positive relationship works.
The school’s role is to support you, the parents, who are recognised as the first and best educators of your children. Should you have any questions about the content of the scheme we would be happy to discuss these with you.
Religious Education Directory
By September 2025, all schools in the Clifton Diocese will be moving over to a new curriculum.
It is called 'To Know You More Clearly'.
EYFS and Year 3 have started to trial this curriculum and are feeding back their experiences to the Diocese.
Here is a copy of the new curriculum:
Prayer and Worship
Prayer and worship are central to life at St. Patrick’s School. We begin every day with prayer in our classrooms or gathered together as a whole school or Key Stage. Children learn traditional prayers, such as the "Our Father" and "Hail Mary", and also have opportunities to compose their own prayers and experience different types of prayer during their class Collective Worship.
Everyday, children will participate in an act of Collective Worship which gives glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. This may be led by an adult and include contributions from children. In Key stage 2 children may lead the entire act of worship, advised and supported by an adult.
Masses are a regular part of our Collective Worship calendar. We have whole school masses in September at the start of the new school year, in January and to begin the summer term. We will also celebrate significant liturgical feasts. Additionally, classes come together to celebrate mass. These usually take place on a Wednesday at 9:15 am. The dates will be published in the Shamrock Newsletter and parents and friends are most warmly invited to join us.
Sacramental Preparation
During Year 3, children are invited to participate in the Parish programme of preparation for First Holy Communion. The programme is led by catechists from the parish running from January to June, and sessions usually take place on a Saturday morning. Details of how to enrol will be published in the Parish Newsletter nearer the time.
Other Faiths
Studying other Faiths is an important part of the RE curriculum in all Catholic Schools. The bishops of England and Wales have said that one of the purposes of Religious Education is “To raise pupils’ awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them."
Please click on the files below to view our prayers.